Clean Doggy Chops is a dental cleaning that provides preventative dental care for your dogs in Chandler, Arizona and Los angles, CA We understand the importance of maintaining your dog's dental health. That's why we specialize in affordable anesthesia free teeth cleaning services. Our dental cleaning experience is aimed at promoting healthy teeth and gums for a healthy dog. Our experienced and trained staff will ensure your dog's safety and comfort throughout the teeth cleaning process. It's important to note that our services do not replace a vet visit, do not include x-rays or extractions. We have a special connection to animals and offer a safe and comfortable space for the service, which sets us apart from traditional vet offices. We cater to older dogs , those with medical issues, and healthy dogs who prefer a gentler approach to teeth cleaning. We recommend routine cleanings every 6 months to a year to ensure overall well-being.
Most people don't know how important dental hygiene is for your pet. Did you know you are supposed to brush every day? yep that's right every day. People wait till their pets teeth have full blown periodontal disease before going to get their pets teeth cleaned.
Unfortunately I've seen time again and again loved ones losing their loved one by
putting an old pet under Anesthesia. It's our mission to help and teach people to start dental cleanings early. And guess what Anesthesia is not always necessary.